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作为十大网赌平台文科教育课程的一部分,所有学生都将完成十大平台网赌核心课程. Taken across diverse disciplines, 这些课程可以培养学生的批判性思维能力, respect for other cultures and perspectives, and introduce students to new ways of seeing, thinking, and knowing humans and the natural world.

核心课程的广度使学生能够在不同学科之间建立重要的联系, and understand the world in diverse ways, so that they may be active, engaged global citizens. The curriculum begins with a First Year Intensive course, 并通过满足五个学科的九个要求来完成. Through Clark Core, 学生发展他们目前的教育目标,同时探索新的兴趣, acquiring new skills, and developing ways of thinking.

Please Note

十大平台网赌核心课程只适用于2024年秋季或之后入学的学生. 已经开始学术旅程的学生应该参考通识课程.

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Core Requirements

Aesthetic Perspective


Scientific Perspective

科学视角(SP)课程侧重于探索我们周围的世界, emphasizing the experimental, analytical, theoretical, 以及用于发展科学学科内部和跨学科理解的计算技术. 课程向你介绍科学研究的实验和解决问题的本质.

Global Comparative Perspective

全球比较视角(GP)课程侧重于通过对不同文化的考察进行比较分析, societies, political systems, and/or economic structures of different parts of the world. In examining their similarities and differences, 这些课程将帮助学生建立一个理解人类经验要素的全球背景.


History Perspective

历史视角(HP)课程侧重于探索文化的各个方面, society, and environment, as well as intellectual, economic, and political arrangements in the past. Through this exploration, students will better understand how the past informs, shapes, and diverges from the present.

Language and Culture Perspective

语言与文化视角(LP)课程培养对英语以外的语言或文学的学习,帮助学生发展对语言与文化关系的理解, to help them appreciate different cultures, and to prepare them to be global citizens.

Values Perspective

Values Perspective (VP) courses focus on the moral, 个人和组织用来观察世界和做决定的道德和规范框架. 他们探讨了道德和规范框架的应用,以批判性地评估各种情况下的价值主张, including personal, professional, and social contexts.


Diversity and Inclusion

多样性和包容性(D和I)课程侧重于边缘化, privilege, disadvantage, and oppression in multiple domains (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, social class). 学生将学习如何批判性地分析诸如权力之类的概念, intersectionality, marginality, and identity.


Written Expression

书面表达(WE)课程侧重于清晰和有说服力的写作, making a cogent argument, using textual evidence to support that argument, and thinking critically about texts, 以提高学生的书面沟通能力为目标.

Formal Analysis
